Everyone desperately needs and wants a wonderful last farewell to their beloved. Sally-Anne arranged and delivered a double barrelled service for our family… she understood the farewell we wanted for Denis, my husband.
Morning service at the local cemetorian for 30 people family and close friends. We moved the pews into a circle around the coffin and we all decorated the plain cardboard painted coffin. No religion was involved.
In the same afternoon, a very public service at the Karilica centre at Ringwood where hundreds of people attended and they enjoyed the service. There was a welcome to country by a local aboriginal elder with a smoking ceremony. Mourners/speakers include Bill Shorten the Then leader of the Federal opposition, and John Cain the former Premier.
This remarkable day long service couldn’t have happened without the organising skills of Sally-Anne. This goodbye to Denis was lovely and so appropriate to how Denis lived and believed. And Sally-Anne made it not only happen but be a wonderful success.